Welcome to the site of all darkness and evil intentions... 
Where those of the night continuously battle for their lives.
Will you enter the page of the night?

This is a vintage site for anybody who loves Dark Stalkers and other things about it.

Current Updates


Scarlet here, it's been two years since the last update. Websites take time, money, and patience to maintain; however, I will do my best to change things around for my beloved site. Stay tuned for further updates. Thanks!


A complete overhaul of everything will be coming in the next couple of weeks now that I've been able to get back into the site. Happy Turkey Day to all in the U.S.


My goodness... I seriously must sit here and reconfigure this site and on Angelfire (if it's still there). So much to do... so little time!


I hope that you all like the new layout. I decided that it was time to do something new, something to preserve the memories of this sites and what it stands for. Enjoy!


 I will only update it to the best of my abilities. Master Haruka is gone and her site is now run by her friends Seto "Rich Ryu" Kaiba and the others. Our partnership will be missed greatly. Her friendship to me meant a lot and I will never forget her.



Geez, I've taken down a lot of things. I have to rearrange some pictures, Ask for more pictures, find another helper for the group and the site, I'll be renovating for awhile.




Complete massacre of my poor site. Must fix everything.